“The Story of Your Enslavement”

I find this video rather interesting.  I am not sure I agree with all the content, but it is certainly food for thought.  I also plan to read more about Mr. Stefan Molyneux (about him).  I do have some strong vibes that the vast majority of humans are being used and exploited like batteries (The Matrix) powering the wealth generation of the few.  I am not, however, convinced that the rich and powerful have developed a coordinated plan.

I do know, and I have attempted to express this, that money, debt, and credit, makes it very easy for a few to control the many.  Money is, in my opinion, a fallacy.  Each human being is a source of energy, a flame, that can burn given the proper foundation and environment.  But if a human being can’t think for itself, perhaps all it becomes is a source of energy for another’s use and gain.

I also am interested in researching Edward Bernays (about him), mentioned in this short film as the father of propaganda.  I think the media and the advertising/marketing machine is a powerful form of brainwashing that helps perpetuate over-consumptions, or as stated in the film, creating a demand for things when there is no need.