Wild Love

galaxies mergeTo play off the last post…”Call of the Wild”…and in writing my next journal-like entry “Alive”, I think about making love with a woman I care about.  And my thoughts are…is this the last act of our wildness?  Is this the last bastion to feeling alive in our modern world?  Is this the last link to intimacy with nature and our past, heightened senses, adrenaline, wild abandonment?  Or, will it also be domesticated?  Will technology, economics, and culture (which is becoming defined by the former) eliminate this final link to our wild past?  Already, I see economics and technology at work — the advertisements selling products for sexual enhancements..drugs…gadgets…things.  There is no need for enhancements when you are truly in love.  And there is of course methods to create life without any type of physical connection…the test tube baby…genetic engineering…and so on…and so on.  Will we take this final step to sever the last link to our wildness?  Will we neuter everything connected to our beautiful and raw natural past?  “Oh Brave New World…with such people in it.”

13 thoughts on “Wild Love

  1. Take my hand
    I’m a stranger in Milky Way
    All lost in the universe
    A stranger in Milky Way
    If I flew starry-eyed
    That’s a danger in Milky Way
    For mortals who stand beside
    Andromeda like you

    • I will take your hand SoundEagle…and we will fly ahead with two flaming swords 🙂

      I will be over to your site my friend. I have two computers…one with no sound…one that has problems with video..and a phone that is fine but costs money to watch long videos etc….otherwise I would have been over to visit your site. See you soon…when I fix these technical issues…lol.

      • Won’t you answer the fervent prayer
        Of a stranger in Milky Way
        Don’t send me in dark despair
        From all that I hunger for
        But open your Tincup’s arms
        To SoundEagle in Milky Way
        And tell me
        That I need be
        A stranger no more

      • LOL…SoundEagle…you are not alone…and never were…my arms, ears, eyes, mind…and heart…are wide open to spirits such as yours.

  2. Pingback: Little Boxes III | Anne Schilde

  3. Hello Tincup and nice work………..how big a leap from GMO foods to GMO people? How soon? Will technology become the new God that changes everything? Is it possible to take control of mother nature? What the hell, maybe it doesn’t matter…….or at least not worth worrying about?

  4. “There is no need for enhancements when you are truly in love”. Give yourself 20 more years then tell me this! We are not wolves in the moonlight, we are humans with all weaknesses inherent….

  5. Haha- you know there are guys in love out there that may even need some surgical intervention just to get it up, right? They wish they were like their counterparts for whom a doctor’s prescription could solve it all.

    Lucky you, all you need is love and/or your own hormones. 🙂

    Maybe love-making won’t get ‘domesticated’ but mating has already been domesticated and technology-fied. Battery-operated devices, artificial insemination, et al.

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